IT service management (ITSM) is an ever-changing discipline. The most recent development is the dramatic increase in the prevalence of artificial intelligence (AI). This was substantiated in a recent survey conducted by OTRS Group. It revealed that nearly three times as many IT teams as last year wanted to introduce artificial intelligence to make ITSM processes more efficient.
However, the survey respondents were divided on whether there is more potential for process optimization in automating business processes (49%) or artificial intelligence (50%).
This emerging trend is not just hype. The majority of those already using artificial intelligence tools or services have been able to improve many of their key performance indicators (KPIs). While there have been marked benefits from the incorporation of AI, it has put strain and pressure on IT teams.
Especially as they try to balance their focus on both business process automation and AI. This balancing act requires not only additional financial support but also human and technical resources.
New Technology Inevitably Means New Challenges
Like any new development, there will be challenges as artificial intelligence becomes more prevalent in the IT realm. The survey results reflect this.
Regulations, compliance, and governance make adopting artificial intelligence challenging. 29% of IT professionals ranked these restrictions as the biggest challenge regarding improvements in their organization’s ITSM. This is up from last year’s eighth-place ranking (5%).
Another major challenge U.S.-based IT teams struggle with is software limitations when driving both automation and artificial intelligence initiatives within their organizations. This is to be expected when technology advances so quickly. New software is constantly emerging, and unfortunately, new software costs money. Finding the optimal balance between cost efficiency and utilizing software to its full potential can be tricky.
However, the Value of Artificial Intelligence is Worth the Struggle
The consensus paints a clear picture: Despite the obstacles, artificial intelligence and automation can add tremendous value to businesses. The biggest advantages were agreed to be more efficiency and higher quality in terms of automating business processes. For most, artificial intelligence tools and services positively impacted achieving their ITSM goals.
Growing pains are a normal part of evolving, and new technology can grow your business by leaps and bounds when properly embraced, including:
- Drawing in new customers who are also eager to stay at the top of their game and ahead of new technology
- Your current customers are also likely to take note of your technological inclinations and will look to you for guidance rather than seek out your competitors
- You’ll stay ahead of new technological developments, which may very well lead to your company being seen as a leader in your industry.
With new software and more training, the potential for ITSM plus artificial intelligence and automation is unlimited.
Be Patient and Persist with Artificial Intelligence
Now more than ever, top-notch IT team members are crucial for developing business. Their competent presence has become an increasingly integral and success-critical component of every company. Just remember, with this new technology comes an equal uptick in work complexity, so plan accordingly.
This leads us to what could be the most important takeaway of this piece: invest in your IT team from start to finish. From the very beginning, take your time and find the right people for your team. Each company will obviously have a unique set of qualifications for these positions. But generally, be on the hunt for someone who loves to read industry and/or technology news, isn’t afraid to think outside the box, and is a team player.
You want to tear down company silos and build up your IT team’s camaraderie with other departments. Try to position the IT team as a company-wide resource. One that can be called upon to optimize business processes and operations.
Offer Training
Next, don’t skimp on training. In OTRS’ survey, 58% of respondents want to train employees within the next year to improve their company’s ITSM. That’s more than double what it was in 2023 (25%). Training is undoubtedly necessary; 88% of respondents said they already use artificial intelligence tools and services in their IT department, but almost half (41%) admit they are still figuring out how to use them.
Think about this. Almost half of the respondents with access to artificial intelligence tools and services don’t know how to use them properly. This is a gross waste of resources. Training is vital because it allows your IT team to use all the resources available to them.
The OTRS survey findings are clear: artificial intelligence and ITSM will continue going hand in hand as technology progresses. The growth potential is notable, and proper steps should be taken to embrace such opportunities wherever possible. Half of the challenge of ITSM is anticipating the newest technological developments. Still, the signs are clear – artificial intelligence use is growing, and the time to invest is now.
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John Coggins
John Coggins is a long-time business relationship manager for OTRS Group, a service management SaaS solution provider. He is passionate about helping IT and business teams work together more efficiently to better support customers and drive company-wide objectives.